Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The Voice of an "Angel"

Father Angel Garcia Rodriguez, founder of the much honored and respected Spanish NGO Mensajeros de la Paz, gave an interview in conjunction with the release in Madrid of a new book about his life by journalist Jesús Bastante Liébana in which he took on the Catholic hierarchy on a number of issues. An excerpt:

...El presidente de Mensajeros de la Paz fue más allá. También se mostró optimista ante la posibilidad de que las mujeres puedan ser ordenadas sacerdotes durante el pontificado de Benedicto XVI. Y es que, según destacó, este Papa «valora mucho a la mujer». «Creo que en cuatro o cinco años veremos a mujeres sacerdotisas», apuntó. Y aprovechó para censurar incluso el celibato: «Es una barbaridad tan grande como una catedral». El cura también dijo sentirse «a gusto rezando en una mezquita o en una iglesia católica», porque «no hay salvación sólo en la Iglesia Católica»...

Translation: ...The president of Mensajeros de la Paz (Messengers of Peace) went further. He also showed optimism that women could be ordained as priests during the papacy of Benedcit XVI. It's because, according to him, this Pope "values women a lot." "I think that in four or five years we will see women priests," he stated. And he took the opportunity to criticize celibacy as well: "It is a barbarity as vast as a cathedral." The priest also said that he feels "happy praying in a mosque or a Catholic Church" because "salvation is not only found in the Catholic Church."...


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