Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What To Do When There Is No Priest

Since the Catholic Church has yet to solve its priest shortage problem by admitting married men and women into its ranks, we thought we would bring you these resources as a public service because, lay brothers and sisters, the task of leading the Sunday liturgy will fall increasingly to you.


From the Archdiocese of Dubuque, Iowa:

From The Catholic Liturgical Library: Directory for Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest (Office of the Congregation for Divine Worship, 1988)

In Spanish/En Español: Directorio Para las Celebraciones Dominicales en Ausencia del Presbítero ( Congregación para el Culto Divino, 1988)

From the Diocese of Richmond, Virginia:

From the Diocese of Davenport, Iowa (These planning sheets for SCAP are intended for use with the second edition (2007) of the ritual text.):


From the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops: Sunday Celebration in the Absence of a Priest (English/Spanish, 2007, $59.95) -- for details, see Fr. Louis Dorn's review of this resource on the National Federation of Priests' Councils Web site.

From the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions: Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest, Revised Edition: A Pastoral-Liturgical Commentary, by Michael Henchal and Michael R. Prendergast (2007 revised, $12)

From Resource Publications: Leading The Assembly in Prayer: A Practical Guide for Lay and Ordained Presiders, by Michael J. Begolly (2008 revised, $24.95)

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